Mobile application for collecting pictures of OSM objects.
This project is maintained by NaturalSolutions
Mobile application for collecting pictures of OSM objects
This app let's you upload picture to you Flickr account and connect is to an OSM object.
ImageInOsm is available on google play and itunes.
Of course, you can also install it from the source using Apple XCode or Android Developer Tools (developer oriented).
Want to contribute? Great!
ImageInOsm is an open source project. Please help us by contributing to documentation, reporting bugs, forking the code to add features or make bug fixes or promoting us on twitter, etc.
Please consider using GitHub bug reporting tool (issues).
Please consider following the Natural Solutions @Nat_Solutions Twitter for updates.
We are grateful to the "Ville d'Orange" for their support.
We have programs for companies that require additional level of assistance through training or commercial support, need special licensing or want additional levels of capabilities. Please visit the Natural Solutions Website for more information or email
ImageInOsm on Flickr App Garden.